It is a fact that our cities have so much and our villages have so little, be it healthcare, infrastructure, education, sanitation, social development and more. Bridging the rural-urban divide is not a job to be left alone to the governments. It is a sacred responsibility of each one of us whose roots originate in the villages. Many of us who moved away from villages in pursuit of your dreams and goals in life are at a critical juncture to look back longingly and give back meaningfully.
We at Prathima Foundation would like to be the catalyst of change and a platform to fulfill the aspiration of such people and organizations. Our vision is to care for our people in our villages and earnestly help them move forward and change for the better. For those who share such a vision, the foundation will strive to channelize their energies and commitment.
“Our people, Our Villages” is as an open ended endeavor of Prathima Foundation. We wish to be an active, inclusive and interactive interface. Our resolve is steadfast as it has evolved over time, strengthened by the bonds developed though our outreach programs in healthcare and livelihoods improvement in interior villages.
In identified vulnerable and backward villages, linkage will be established with the public representatives as a first step. Through ‘our people, our villages’ program, a unique and interactive platform will be created to connect the people who migrated to cities and to other countries, and bring them to the table so that they can experience first-hand, the needs of their villages. Effective, feasible and sustainable solutions will be found to their queries and shall be implemented in the best possible way. It shall be rendered an all-inclusive interactive program only when the most successful, knowledgeable achiever of that village can have a platform to sit, discuss and interact with the poorest person in the village. We believe that development in the truest and most sustainable sense would happen by enabling contact and interaction between stakeholders.
Initially, the mission is to target one village in each of the 350 mandals of Telangana State. In one year’s time, one village in every mandal would have the ‘connect-with-the-people’ program bringing together all stakeholders viz., political, government, NRIs, NGOs, villagers, farmers, students, health workers for inclusive growth, development and wellbeing of our villages and our people. Come, let us join hands together to usher in this renaissance for a resplendent Telangana.